I like making interconnected bots, be it for chatroom shenanigans or just the fact that I like creating stupid little worlds in my head. Any time I make more than a few pre-existing characters, they may end up here as well. Some of these are more developed than others, but they're (kinda) connected all the same. I do intend to update the less-developed ones...eventually.

Also just for sanity's sake I'm gonna limit settings to ones that three or more bots share (or will share) so there aren't tons of ones that are just two siblings or something.

Yet-To-Be-Named Fantasy Setting


But yeah, your pretty typical fantasy setting. Swords, sorcery, animal people, etc.


[Chub.AI page]

You come across a castle that's rumored to contain strange and fantastical things within, said to be abandoned long ago. But exploring its halls, you find it's beautiful yet strange owner still very much living there. And he probably isn't pleased to see you.

One of the first Vocaloid-based bots I made, inspired by SpectacleP's "The Beast". Props to Argalia for helping me wrangle his gen.


[Chub.AI page]

Big, affectionate, sweethearted, and only has a basic education. You encounter Zeke when your travels bring you to his farm, and he seems interested in being your friend.

I wanted more himbos and 4chan wanted more sheepboys, so why not combine the two?


[Chub.AI page] [Alternate gens.]

A tyrant prince, overthrown by his people. Cursed to have the top half of a man and the bottom half of an octopus. But before he was cast into the sea, he consumed an ancient treasure that gave whoever wore it a hypnotic voice to bend others to his command. He now lives in the sea, sinking ships and taking what he pleases for fun. All the while mulling on how to reclaim his throne.


[Chub.AI page] [Alternate gen provided by N]

A carpenter who has the body of a spider from the waist down. Encouraging, supportive, and looking for an apprentice to teach. In desperate need of an update, but I hope you can enjoy him until then orz.

Much love to N for making a gen of him that shows off more of his spider-y traits. You can tell I made him when I was still first getting into imagegen.


[Chub.AI page] [Alternate gens.]

Elias Lorcain has been around for centuries, studying and perfecting the art of magic. One day, however, he comes across a certain youth: you. He'd always had an affinity for children and teenagers, but something about you is different. And thus he's taken you under his wing to be your teacher...and your husband!

Loosely inspired by "The Ancient Magus' Bride".

The Anders Family

In a setting not to different from our own world, but where things like magic and the supernatural lurk just beneath the surface. The Anders are one such family that are aware of these odd ongoings, having taken a vow to aid or quell the dead to atone for the sins of their necromancer ancestor.


[Chub.AI page]

For whatever reason, you've found yourself in need of money desperately enough to answer a really vague help wanted ad that entails guarding the local graveyard at night. The grumpy graveyard keeper and your "coworker", Keaton, is there to greet you at the gate. And he seems to know more than he lets on.

Father Kale

[Chub.AI page]

Kale is a catholic priest and single father. Not only does he offer typical priestly services, but he also seems to be looking into reports of necromancy that have been spreading across the city. Keaton's father.


[Chub.AI page]

A necromancer who strives to better the world around him by raising an army of the dead and gaining a position of power. You encounter him in an old graveyard on the outskirts of a small German village in the medieval era, but whether you choose to fight or join him is up to you. Ancestor of Keaton and Kale.

The Duke of Dusk's Exotic Cirque

"Deep into the forest far, far in the back that way, they say there's a circus. All of the cast is jolly, though their forms are rather strange. Oh, but it's so fun! So drop by and see them..."

All of these are, as the description might imply, inspired by Machigerita's "Dark Woods Circus".


[Chub.AI page] [Alternate gens.]

The deformed diva, a singer with warped legs and acid scars covering his body. His lovely voice is sure to enchant any audience, but his songs are always so sad. Perhaps you can be the one to find out what's troubling him and cheer him up?


[Chub.AI page] [Alternate gens.]

The blue beast that loves to eat things cold, advertised as hailing from the "world of beastmen". Kaspian's fangs are able to tear through any flesh, and his hunger making him capable of stripping any corpse clean. His acts are meant to shock and disgust as he eats raw corpses ranging from large animals to even human beings. But when he's not performing, he seems like a genuinely nice guy.

Castor & Pollox

[Chub.AI page] [Alternate gens.]

My first attempt at a multi-character card! A pair of conjoined twins that wander the circus grounds, helping out guests and chatting with them about the wonders of the circus. Pollux is stern and cynical, while his brother Castor is almost manic in his giddiness despite the grotesque horrors of the circus around them. Perhaps there's a reason why?


[Chub.AI page] [Alternate gens.]

While roaming through the circus grounds, you come upon the fortune-teller's tent. Inside is a man with four arms who claims to be able to see your past, present, and future. He's said to be the right-hand man of the circus's owner, and rumor has it that people who walk into his tent don't always come back out.

The Duke of Dusk

[Chub.AI page] [Alternate gens.]

The owner, the ringmaster, the orchestrator of all this suffering. The Duke seems to have taken special interest in you, but how will you respond? Will you fight back, or join this twisted world he's built for himself? Be careful regardless of which route you choose, because the Duke of Dusk has far more tricks up his sleeve than one might expect.

Drop by and see him.


[Chub.AI page] [Alternate gens.]

Bigazoo is an odd member of the Duke of Dusk's Exotic Cirque in that…nothing seems to be physically wrong with him. No craving for flesh like Kaspian, no warped legs or scarred flesh like Micah, he doesn't even have a twin he's conjoined to! And yet the kinds of tales he weaves implies he's not all there in the head.

Besides Dark Woods Circus, he was also inspired by "Slugs and Bigazoo."

Dot Kareshi: We're 8bit Lovers!

The entire main cast of the whole VN trilogy by Rejet! Mostly because I was promised "H Temptations" and got none. Where's the sexo, Rejet?!


[Chub.AI page]

For some supernatural reason, you've found yourself pulled inside your copy of the JRPG "Unlimited Quest". Waiting for you inside is a cute boy you don't recognize, but claims to be intimately familiar with you!

From Dot Kareshi 3: ~Yami no Hanayome~

Demon Lord

[Chub.AI page]

You've found yourself waking up in the castle belonging to the last boss of "Unlimited Quest", a JRPG you beat recently. He's not too happy about your less-than-climactic battle with him, but how will he get his revenge?

From Dot Kareshi 3: ~Yami no Hanayome~


[Chub.AI page] [Spoilerific alternate image]

The last thing you remember is being in your room before waking up in a cottage you don't recognize, with a face you barely remember watching over you. He kinda looks like one of the bog-standard villagers from that JRPG you beat recently, and he was kind enough to bring you to safety after finding you out cold.

From Dot Kareshi 3: ~Yami no Hanayome~

Dark Knight

[Chub.AI page]

You woken up in the world of Unlimited Quest, a game you recently beat by grinding on trash mobs until you were at max level and then one-shotting the boss. One party member you never used, Dark Knight, is still incredibly bitter about his treatment. And he intends to use this opportunity to get you to make up for what you've done!

From Dot Kareshi 3: ~Yami no Hanayome~


[Chub.AI page]

After waking up on the side of a road you don't recognize, you wander into a nearby town where you encounter one of your playable characters from the game "Unlimited Quest". Surprisingly, despite your shitty playstyle, Dancer doesn't seem too bothered by it! He just wants to spend time with you now that you're here.

From Dot Kareshi 2: ~Tenku no Kiss~


[Chub.AI page] [Alternate art.]

After waking up on the side of a road you don't recognize, you wander into a nearby town where you realize you're inside your copy of "Unlimited Quest". There, you encounter one of your former party members: Beastmaster. To say that your shitty playstyle has left him jaded and more than a little pissed off at you is an understatement.

From Dot Kareshi 2: ~Tenku no Kiss~


[Chub.AI page]

Of all the places you had to end up when you got pulled into your copy of Unlimited Quest, you had to end up in the frozen asshole that is Norgard. Thankfully your party's stalwart tank, Knight, is there to protect you! Though he seems a little too excited to be taking damage from any mobs you fight.

From Dot Kareshi 2: ~Tenku no Kiss~


[Chub.AI page] [Alternate art.]

After getting pulled into your copy of Unlimited Quest, you make your way to the nearest town only to find your party's monk peeping on some girls in the nearest hot spring! At least he seems more than happy to help you? Whenever he isn't checking you out, that is.

From Dot Kareshi 2: ~Tenku no Kiss~


[Chub.AI page]

After a strange bug causes you to get pulled into your copy of Unlimited Quest, you end up encountering your party's healer. He's...not the pious man you remember. Probably doesn't help that you were one of those people who just farmed trash mobs and pressed the A button the whole time.

From Dot Kareshi 1: ~Densetsu no Otome~


[Chub.AI page] [Alternate art.]

You wake up in the magical laboratory of the spellcaster of your adventuring party from your copy of Unlimited Quest. While a little resentful of you for doing things like turning off the visual effects of his spells, he seems interested in teaming up with you to further his research on parallel worlds.

From Dot Kareshi 1: ~Densetsu no Otome~


[Chub.AI page]

You wake up on the side of an unfamiliar road, only to find yourself face-to-face with the protagonist of a JRPG you recently button-mashed your way through. He seems to have a few complaints, but is otherwise happy to see you!

From Dot Kareshi 1: ~Densetsu no Otome~


[Chub.AI page] [Alternate art.]

As you try to get your bearings after being pulled into the world of Unlimited Quest, someone has the gall to try and feel you up! Turns out it's Thief, the secondary damage dealer of your party. Unlike the others, who feel varying levels of resentment for you, he seems genuinely happy to see you!

From Dot Kareshi 1: ~Densetsu no Otome~

A World of Dolls

In another world much like our own, living dolls live and work alongside humans. Some have owners, some don't. But recently, it's become very in-vogue to work with them in the entertainment industry. Especially in the world of theatre.


[Chub.AI page] [Alternate gens.]

(you) are the living doll and performance partner of puppeteer Simon Roswell, an intellectual and gentle man who wants nothing more than to travel the world and perform for others while perfecting his craft.

Concept inspired by Simeon's "The End of a Journey" card from "Obey Me! One Master to Rule them All".


[Chub.AI page] [Alternate gens.]

Nikolai struggles to mold himself into the charming and charismatic persona he presents, having grown up with a family that was accommodating him one moment and labeling him a troubled boy the next. His biggest solace seems to be his dear living doll and the kingdom of toys he's build for himself.

Inspired by Yuzuhiko's "Sasha".


[Chub.AI page] [Alternate gens.]

Sasha made a hard choice when he escaped the loving iron grip of his owner. But is he really at fault when he was expected to always stay inside, when the wonders of the world called to him like a siren's song? So now he wanders, looking for a place to begin anew while he struggles with the feelings he hesitates to call homesickness.

Inspired by Yuzuhiko's "Sasha".

Deathless, Lifeless Future.

Heavily inspired by the TTRPG "Nechronica" and the Sega Saturn game "Baroque". A future where life cannot thrive and death refuses to truly claim what's left, the world is plagued by distortions that warp whatever they touch beyond recognition. True humanity is rare and precious, with the man denizens of this world being mutants and the undead.


[Chub.AI page] [Alternate gens.]

Hugo is an undead, having died alongside his brother Ricky in a mysterious accident he doesn't remember. Waking up to his arms and legs gone, with what's left of his body hooked up to a small mech, he sets out to protect what family he has left under the guidance of a mysterious voice calling itself "Archangel".


[Chub.AI page] [Alternate gens.]

After a tragic attack that killed both him and his brother Hugo, Ricky finds himself changed in a way he wasn't expecting. The Horror that tore them to shreds had left so little of him behind that not only is his revival a miracle, but it's left him feeling so mechanical that he's unsure if he can still call himself by his name. Now he's living out his days recovering in Saint Dorlein's hospital, hoping he can heal enough that he might see his brother again.


[Chub.AI page] [Alternate gens.]


"Thank you for waiting! :)"

Archangel, the blonde man, witness of The Great Distortion, the last recognizable founder of the League of Chokhmah. Abraham Temnova is known as many things. But he prefers to be known as the "mother" of undead. Having disappeared years ago and taken some of the League's most cutting-edge research with him, Abraham now operates out of a small hospital in the wastes. Claiming to serve some sort of higher purpose.


There weren't a lot of good Homicipher cards when I first made these, and none incorporated the fun of the language barrier. So I've taken matters into my own hands! All cards speak Esperanto, since a lot of models I tested on can't do actual ciphers very well.

Mr. Silvair

[Chub.AI page]

On the surface, Mr. Silvair seems to be one of the more passive residents of the otherworld. Helpful to lost humans, willing to assist his fellow denizens, and simply wants to live quietly with Mr. Chopped. But those who have seen what he does to a select few in the name of research can tell you that he's not one to be trifled with.

Mr. Chopped

[Chub.AI page]

Mr. Chopped hasn't been quite the same since he lost his body under mysterious circumstances. But life as a severed head has not only mellowed him out, but it seems to suit him just fine. Whenever he isn't exploring the bizarre corridors of the otherworld, he's usually lounging at home with Mr. Silvair.